Saturday, April 20, 2013

Five for Friday...a week i don't think i want to relive

I think perhaps this best way to explain my week is right here in Five for Friday (even though it is now Saturday). 

My week started off great attending the wedding of my niece in my husband's hometown (yes my Pennsylvania mom has lost two girls to Idaho). 

So we went home, saw old friends, and hung out here.

 and here

When all the fun was over I had to come home and do taxes.  Yes, I took an extra day off of school (and I don't do that).  Good thing I did, because our water heater decided to fail....leak...explode...did I say leak?  Yes, in the middle of doing taxes I go downstairs to find about an inch (or more) of water on my basement floor.  Lovely!


Fortunately I have a son that works in town.  He came by, got the leak stopped and then we spent the night replacing the water heater and drying out.  Now I have this waiting for me this weekend.

Tuesday I'm back to littles missed me, but their little barometers are going crazy and I am wishing I was back in the hot pools.

Maybe it  was just my need for this:

Wednesday I started losing my voice and Thursday it was gone.  Mrs. Izatt you sound funny.  (all day long) 

Friday we had State leadership kids come in to our classroom, about 20 of them.  It worked perfectly because I ended up with exactly the same number of big kids as little ones.  I love when I look around the room and EVERYONE is engaged.  They finished their project for the troops fairly quickly, so I took advantage and had them listen to my kinders count to 100, read one of their sight word books, and then the big guys read to my little ones.  My little ones LOVE being read to.  We still had time so we went outside and played, they took pictures of their little buddies, and generally had a wonderful time.  It was a great way to end a crummy (okay...crummy for me) week. 

I came home and my wonderful mister asked what he could do to hlep me feel better:
That mess in the may have to wait for next week.

How did your week go?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Winner Winner

No April Fool's joke here....I had my first giveaway and now I have my first winner!  Francine Gardiner...your email is in your inbox and your books will be on their way soon.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently it's April

I am no April Fool....I didn't want another month to go by without linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade.  The first of each month is my favorite for this very reason.

I am trying to do this while I am in the car travelling to Salt Lake for the first stop on our “Grand Circle” tour.  There are miles and miles of empty desert between here and our destination.  I thoughtHubby is driving, I can be working on my Currently (which I LOVE by the way).  Then when I get to my daughters house I can be already to post and link up.  Two is bouncier than I thought and trying to work a mouse leads to all sorts of craziness.   Second without internet access I cannot get to the blogger template.  So I got my currently ready and now I am composing in word.  I’ve never done that before.  We will see how this works out.  I am also using a great big plain font.  I figure I can change the size and look when I get to my daughter’s. (see...much better already)

So where am I going?  Crazywanta come?  Sorry, just had to throw that in there.  I am going to see two of my children and their families.  They could not come over for Easter dinner like these two, so we are going to them.

I am old enough (wait.I don’t think of myself as that old) and lucky enough to have 10 grand children.  Six live close, and four live close enough we can easily make a quick trip to see them.  If we want to see them one after the other we do a grand circle.  Starting at one end and going from house to house and ending up back home.  We average about 300 miles on each leg of the “tour”.  

I have a list a mile long of things I wanted to do.clean out my closet, muck out the spare bedroom/office, redo my school library (part of the office redo) and get it more organized.  I need desperately to work on my hording tendencies.but those will all still be there, the chance to visit family may not.  My husband took the week off because he wanted to spend the time with me and all those projects don’t really involve him.  So I will save them for another day (I just must have the self discipline to follow through and get them done)

Sometimes I wish I could be like Jonathon Livingston Seagull and be transported just by thinking and I am there.  The road is longand empty, lots of sagebrush and mountains, but no trees.  Today I am also listening to it rain.  I love the sound of rain on the windshield and when we stop, the smell of sagebrush after a rain.  I don’t like that this rain is turning into snow.  I can see the line where it changes on these mountains across the valley and some of those drops on my windshield are not raindropsbut gobs of snow!   I am ready for warm!  Maybe we should have headed south.

I finished up my testing last week, but I really haven’t looked at any of it.  The nice thing?  I have all week to do just that.  After the kids go to bed, and I have some down time to myself, I can get all that I did organized and entered in to powerschool.  Yay! for the internet.  I don’t have to be at school to do that.  Then Monday morning our wonderful secretaries print off the report cards and I add some samples of student work and I think I am ready for conferences!  Good thing because I am trying to get my conferences done a day early (another family visit and wedding is happening).

My for myself.  It it my one word to remind me of what I need to be doing.  I need to simplify.  I need to let go of things I might need.and just in case.    I need to give away things to someone who can use them right now.  I need to remember to ask myself what is the worse thing that could happen if I lose this?   Simplify!